Evidence-based psychological and psychiatric care – children, adults, families.


Our clinical psychologists, child psychologists provide reliable support in both individual therapy and family couples therapy. We will find a suitable solution for you to support your mental well-being and quality of life.


We deal with topics such as dementia, depression, teen/postpartum depression, social anxiety, panic disorder, compulsive thoughts.


We also help with psychological studies in assessing work ability, applying for a permit (weapons permit, driver’s license, plane driving license). We use psychological research to assess the circumstances affecting a person’s military service (mental health).


For information to those who come to the psychologist: ADHD, depression, in case of anxiety, before the appointment to a family therapist.

Psühholoogilised isiklsuse ja käitumisuuringud Tallinnas


What are the circumstances that make you feel that therapy can achieve its goals?

ATH lastel ja õppimisraskused


Come to the study in a state that would allow the study to be done. Or prepare your child for a study (more precisely, described in the procedure for conducting a study).



It is good if you have an overview of when depression or anxiety began and became more intense.

Pereteraapia ja paariteraapia Tallinnas


Think about whether the first time you want to come alone or with a companion/partner.


The Cerveau Clinic in Tallinn employs experienced clinical psychologists, family therapists and nutritionists. We offer individual psychotherapy, family and couples therapy, dietitian services, services for trauma victims and victims of violence.


The chairman of the board of the clinic is Mihhail Beljajev, who is a recognized clinical psychologist, child psychologist, family therapist. In addition, our team includes other specialists whose goal is to provide high-quality and scientifically based support at every stage of life: during pregnancy, after childbirth, in case of separation, in case of crisis, mourning.

Psühholoogi abi depressiooni korral


Rajaleidja is a nationwide network that offers free study counselling to adults who support children/learners in their education. You can conduct us a study of cognitive functions or a study of personality, and then turn to Rajaleidja for a suitable form of study. Or, on the contrary, to turn to us if Rajaleidja wants an assessment of the child’s learning ability.

Cerveau psühholoogia kliinik Tallinnas parkimine


PARKING IS FREE FOR 10 people if you are our customer. However, if the parking lot is closed it is possible to park nearby: ZONE EP225, ZONE EP260, for 1 hour the price is 1 euro.

Cerveau kliiniline psühholoog Tallinnas vastuvõtu ootelist


If you find out that there is no more avaliable time, we can add you to the waiting list and you will receive an appointment with a specialist as soon as possible. Or let me know by sms: 5158027, 56608788


You can register for an appointment via the booking desk, e-mail or phone.

If you have a question about the service, it is better to contact: info@cerveau.ee, we will answer as soon as possible (in Estonian, Russian and English). If you have any difficulties with registration, you want to cancel a time or you have an urgent question, then call:

+372 56608788 in Estonian and English Saturday-Sunday 10.00-18.00

+372 5158027 in Russian language Monday – Friday 10.00 – 16.00

If you register by phone or mail, the invoice must be paid immediately. Until the invoice is paid, the visit is open for registration for others. Before you come to your appointment, please read the first form that will help us to help you better. Please come to your appointment without signs of viral diseases / without fever, i.e. healthy.

If you are late or cannot find us, call a specialist: +372 58809942

NB! We have a physical card payment, so we ask you to activate the contactless payment before payment.