The study of cognitive functions is a measurement of a person’s thinking abilities and the processes of their activities (e.g. memory, speed of thinking, visual perception, verbal abilities). Measurement takes place through various tasks.


As a result of the study, recommendations are made to the patient or his loved ones. It lasts 2 hours.
Suitable for people who suspect ADHD and their home or family, need support to choose the right learning program, who suspect memory problems or neurological problems that require this study (for example, dementia).
It is also suitable if you want to undergo differential diagnosis* (diagnosis that distinguishes disorders): speech function problems vs. autism, ADHD vs. autism, ADHD vs. borderline personality disorders, the presence of schizophrenic spectrum disorder and its impact on thinking function, dementia/brain trauma, and related possible personality changes. In the case of earlier problems with differential diagnosis, it is also advisable to conduct a personality study.


*Differential diagnosis is a distinctive diagnosis that helps distinguish disorders or in some cases establish their comorbidity (combination of disorders)

kognitiiv käitumuslik psühhoteraapia​ ja uuring