Mihhail Beljajev kliiniline psühholoog​ Tallinnas Cerveau kliinik

Mihhail Beljajev

(accepted in Estonian, English and Russian), Clinical child psychologist and clinical psychologist of the 7th level, family therapist. Systemic family therapy, initial dual family therapy, initial cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical psychotherapy (DCT) and DCT for trauma survivors. Directions: research (attention disorder, dementia, personality disorder, autism, etc.) The topics of therapy are: disorders in children and adults, diabetes, transgenderism and gender incompatibility in adolescent and adult children, personality disorders, mood disorders and anxiety disorders, etc.

Kliiniline psühholoog Tallinnas Jekaterina Muravjova

Ekaterina Muravyova

(in Russian, Estonian), clinical psychologist (under
supervison ).  Directions: research for children (starting from 6 years old) and adults, consulting a clinical psychologist before psychological research or after. In the case of children, he deals with such topics as: attention disorders, school failure, autism spectrum, etc. She completed a clinical psychologist course at the University of Tartu for 1560 hours.

Kliiniline psühholoog Tallinnas Steven Saagpakk

Steven Saagpakk

(In Estonian), under supervison of a clinical psychologist, conducts research on cognitive functions, personality, psychotherapy and clinical counseling. Completed: initial course of cognitive behavioral therapy. Completed training at WAIS, CERAD (diagnostics). Training in MoCa diagnostic tools. Topics: disorders in adults, adolescents and adults, their therapy and diagnosis. Also engaged in therapy of victims. Research interests: therapy mood and anxiety disorders, autism spectrum disorders, co-ownership with trauma. He taking clients from 16 yo.


Natalia Krasnopevtseva pereterapeut Tallinnas

Natalia Krasnopetseva

(in Russian) family therapist, offers also psyhotherapy. Deals with both adolescents and adults. The topic is couple and family relationships, crises in the family, violence, the child in the family. The topic is also transgenderism, sexual identity. Has completed family therapy, a solution-centered short therapy course. She furthered herself in analytical and cognitive therapy, underwent training in maintaining and restoring couple relationships, passed Gordon Family School.

Irina Šišova pereterapeut vene keeles

Irina Shishova

(in Russian), family therapist, psychotherapy. Deals with adults, families or couples. The topic is relationships in a couple and family, crises in the family, violence, topics of searching for sexual identity, a child in the family. He also deals with the topic of transgenderism, can help in solving the crisis. She underwent family therapy, a short course of therapy, focused on the solution. She advanced in analytical and cognitive therapy, received trainings on maintaining and restoring relationships in couples, and participated in Gordon Family School trainings.

Toitumisnõustaja ja psühholoog Tallinnas Natalja Mizerova

Natalia Mizerova

(in Russian, in Estonian) provides counselling as a counsellor psychologist and as a nutritional counsellor, offers also firsy clinical psychologist admission (under supervision) . She has the profession of a counseling psychologist, completed an initial course in cognitive behavioral therapy and qualified as a nutrition consultant. She has been working on the topic of nutrition and related mental health for a long time, improving her skills in clinical psychology. particular interest are IBD or irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, eating disorders, and eating disorders. Works with FOODMAP, creating special menus based on illness or specific wishes of the client (e.g. weight loss).

Toitumisnõustaja Tallinnas Raissa Žmarjova

Raissa Zhmareva

nutrition specialist (in Estonian and Russian).  She will help you find psychological balance on the topic of nutrition, offers professional recommendations on both healthy eating and various diets. She will help you change your eating habits and achieve your desired goals. She has many years of experience in counseling the following topics: obesity, overweight, underweight, diabetes, IBD or irritable bowel syndrome, selective eating, eating disorders, etc. She works with both children and adults. In her work, she uses the principles of healthy nutrition and various diets such as FODMAP, BGBKBS, GAPS, etc.

Pereterapeut Tallinnas Aire Toms

Aire Toms

offers the service of a family therapist, a specialist with many years of experience and a family therapist (in Estonian), also offers therapy. She has been trained in short-term solution-oriented therapy, i.e. she can help if there is an urgent need to find a solution to problems in the family. She advanced in cognitive-centered therapy for couples, also on the topic of treating attachment-related trauma and completed initial training in schema therapy. In addition, Aire completed 160 hours of basic training for foster care workers and participated in the SOS Children’s Village family strengthening program. Her many years of experience can also be useful to those families who have adopted or plan to adopt a child.